Thursday, 5 January 2012

A taste of Spring

In the chaos of New Year, people going on about the Euro and violent storms whipping across Britain, it's good to be reminded that the days will actually get longer, mornings will get lighter and I will no longer feel like a hedgehog searching for a pile of leaves to crawl under.

We've just put in the first of our wildlife info boards by the pond. By summer the presently naked wood will be filled with green leaves and Common Darter dragonflies will be skimming the surface of the pond. At the moment it's pretty bare and gale force winds are howling through it.

The apple trees are doing well and not bending too much in the wind. They've got years of life and hopefully loads of apples to produce. Planting a tree must be one of the best investments you can make.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." (Martin Luther)

Editor's Note~ not actually by me, actually by Sarah Leedham, one of our fantastic A Rocha interns.