Monday, 1 February 2010

February at the St Madoc Centre

So february is here, bringing with it a fairly slow month as far as visiting groups go. You'd have thought that meant we'd have plenty of time to get those little things done that get looked over during busier periods... unfortunately it seems to be the opposite. With our increased bookings from schools over the spring and summer, and the Sustain project needing more and more time spent on planning it's turned out that getting these sorted is taking up a whole lot of time. It's good to be busy though, we're getting alot done, and alot sorted out, so progress is being made.

We have received the funding from the Morris and Hilda Lang Trust to finish the remaining sections of the ground floor dormitories, so the builders, carpenters, plumbers, floor-fitters, electricians and decorators have been toing and froing at all hours. Work is ahead of schedule at the moment, and is scheduled to be finished, officially, on the 12th of february. Queue more work for our staff moving beds around and cleaning the new dormitories ready for the schools and other youth groups.

All in all february seems like it will be an exciting month, the building will finally be finished, and our staff will put on a programme for the first school of the year. I, for one, am looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Nathan

    I really like the blog it gives a sense of an organisation and team that are really moving forwards. Well done! Let's hope a number of people participate in it. I would like to see user comments as we have some great groups with great stories and experiences to tell. I wonder which group will be first?
