Tuesday, 5 November 2013

What's been happening: Autumn

When the St Madoc Centre started to offer activities and catering to schools in 2009 our school season consisted of one full week. This year’s school season was somewhat longer, with 26 schools and classes enjoying our food, accommodation and activities. That’s over a thousand pupils, from infants to college age - not forgetting their hard-working teachers! To think we’ve had an impact in that many children’s lives is absolutely amazing, and all of the staff at the St Madoc Centre are looking forward to 2014, which already promises to be busier still!

This year we were especially pleased to have been donated some money by Warburton’s and the Four Winds Trust which meant we were able to keep offering massively reduced prices to children requiring free school meals. This means we were able to continue giving a fantastic experience to children who may otherwise never have had an opportunity to have a holiday and enjoy themselves like they do with us.

‘For many of our children it will be their first 'holiday' and time away from their home. In fact very few of our children have ever experienced a sleep over!’ ... ‘That is the impact of your work, it can change a life, change an attitude, develop a dream, inspire a community.’
Primary School Headmaster

This year we’ve also spent a lot of time working on a science programme, aimed at year 4 and 5 pupils. This programme contains a lot of different activities, like pond-dipping, rock-pooling and strand-line surveys. These activities were tested out by a very helpful local primary school over a four day stay and despite a few Autumn showers their stay went very well, with everyone enjoying themselves immensely.
Sadly, this Autumn saw the departure of two of our longest serving members of staff, Rob and Chris. Both worked incredibly hard during their time at the St Madoc Centre to make us what we are today. They both were a major part of the success of our school’s work, as well as maintaining our facilities and keeping them at the high standard they are in now.

Thanks for all your hard work, guys!

This Summer and Autumn we have held various different events. In August we held a Bat Discovery Evening, for the second time. Once again it was well attended, and using various electronic bat detectors we found a variety of different bats. Our second annual Apple Day was held in October, a celebration of all things appley, with pies, cakes and games. Hayley Watts’s delicious apple pie took home the first place prize in the Pie Competition, and over twenty people attempted the William Tell Archery Challenge, with two people actually managing to hit the apple! The Volunteer Day in October went well, with plenty of work getting done; the pig pen is being prepared for new pigs, and our ever-growing orchard was prepared for the winter. Many thanks to all our volunteers!

Autumn has also been an interesting time of year for wildlife discoveries, with two species new to the St Madoc Centre being discovered. The Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly is common across the UK, but was seen flying above our wildlife pond for the first time. The second, slightly more exciting, sight was a flock of six Choughs seen feeding on Craneflies near the headland. Choughs are rare across Britain, so to see six on our land was brilliant. We also held our second reptile and amphibian conservation course, which was again very well attended, firmly putting the St Madoc Centre ‘on the map as a good site for reptiles’, according to our Conservation Ranger, Sarah.

Events at the St Madoc Centre

Every second and fourth Sunday
3-5pm Call Mark on 07455677711 for details
Outdoor environmental activities for children & parents/carers.

8pm at Llanrhidian Church, Gower
Mike O'Connor & Barbara Griggs are great fun. They make music of breathtaking beauty on fiddle, concertina, viol and harp. They have a unique repertoire, both original and from historic Cornish manuscripts.
Call 01792 386291 or email sarah@stmadoc.co.uk for tickets in advance, tickets also available at the door.
Tickets cost £8, or £4 for under 16s, with glass of wine or juice.
Raising funds for St Madoc Centre

Doors open 6:30pm, singing starts at 7pm
With the Cantorion Llanmadog presenting an evening of light music.
Tickets cost £12, including a meal, bar available. Get in contact with us to book your ticket.

Our annual Carols and Crafts event. Live music, hot food and free mince pies. Free entry.

Volunteer at the St Madoc Centre:
We are always very happy to work with volunteers, no matter their age, skill or ability levels. If you are interested in volunteering at the St Madoc Centre, or would like more information about any of the events listed in this newsletter please contact us using the details found below.

Phone: 01792 386 291 Email: info@stmadoc.co.uk Website: stmadoc.co.uk

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